Chapter 2 : Microbial genetics and evolution

Microbiology is the study of single celled creatures or organisms. They are divided in ,Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Eukaryotes  : Fungi ,Protozoa Prokaryotes : Bacteria,Archie Because bacteria are most diverse collection of organisms, it is very hard to say something universally about bacteria. So, this discussion can be inexact concerning all bacteria. Generally, bacteria are small microorganismes (eg: E […]

Bienvenue sur l’université de BORZOUYEH

347px-BorzuyaArtwork BORZUYA BORZUYA (Persian physician 531-79) : In Indian books, BORZUYA read that on a mountain in that land there grows a plant which when sprinkled over the dead revives them. BORZUYA asked Anosiravan for permission to travel to india to obtain the plante. After a fruitless search, he was led to an ascetic who reveald […]