Chapter 5 : NMR proton: principles

A full section can be (and will be) dedicated to the detailed setup of the nucleus magnetic resonance (NMR) and to the analyses we can perform with this tool. In this section, we don’t need a lot of explanations on the NMR theory as it is a technique oriented section. We will however give an […]

Chapter 3 : Mass spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is one of the most used technique in laboratories because it allows to determine the structure of one molecule. For this technique, the sample should be a pure solution, containing only one molecule that will be analysed within a very short time period. It is why mass spectrometers are often queuing a chromatographic […]

Chapter 1 : Infrared spectroscopy

The IR spectroscopy has a different goal than the UV/visible. It is one of the strongest methods to determine the structure of organic compounds. An IR spectrum is similar to the finger print of one molecule and the matching of peaks can tell us if a molecule is in the sample or not. The spectrum […]

Bienvenue sur l’université de BORZOUYEH

347px-BorzuyaArtwork BORZUYA BORZUYA (Persian physician 531-79) : In Indian books, BORZUYA read that on a mountain in that land there grows a plant which when sprinkled over the dead revives them. BORZUYA asked Anosiravan for permission to travel to india to obtain the plante. After a fruitless search, he was led to an ascetic who reveald […]