Chapter 4d: Solids – lattice energy

In gases, the heat capacity was a resultant of translation, vibration and rotation. In a solid, there is no translation and no rotation. The atoms may vibe around their equilibrium position. The vibration involves a potential energy and a kinetic energy, each term participating for ½R. As a solid has 3 dimensions, Cv=3R However, this […]

Chapter 4c: Solids – crystallography

A characteristic of the solids is that they have their own shape. Liquids are taking the shape of their recipient and gases take all the available space. So solids have their own shape but some are malleable, can be cut, be creased or smashed or can be very rigid. As explained at the beginning of […]

Chapitre 4a: Les états de la matière: Les Gaz

Les états de la matière: Nous pouvons considérer trois différents états : gaz, liquide et solide et un mélange d’entre eux. Une différence importante entre les trois états de la matière est le volume qu’ils occupent. Un gaz prend tout l’espace disponible, un liquide prend la forme de son récipiant et un solide a sa […]