Chapter 3a: the motion- the position

The first formalism that has to be known in physics is the formalism of the motion. A formalism is associated with a certain rigorous mathematical method, defining symbols and rules that are commonly accepted, in the goal that everybody understands immediately the discussed matter. We will not be interested in the prediction of the motion nor […]

Chapter 5 : exercices and exam questions (probability)

Problem 1: A marketing survey indicates that 60% of the population owns an automobile, 30% owns a house, and 20% owns both an automobile and house. Calculate the probability that a person chosen at random owns an automobile or a house, but not both. (A) 0.4               (B) 0.5                     (C) 0.6               (D) 07              (E) 09 Problem […]

Chapter 4 : Bayes rule

Total Probability, Bayes rule, Tree diagrams Probability spaces: Sample space S, Probability measure P Σ p(si) = 1        si<1   Event E is a subset of S,  so:  p(E) = Σ (ps)             S<E Definition:  events A  and  B are  independent so  P(A ∩ B)=P(A) P(B), We  can extend  this to more than 2 subsets: A,B,C S , A,B,C=events, […]

Chapter 2: basic counting and probability

                                         Basic counting and probability Let’s count the number of words of length  K with n letters  ( repetition is  authorized): So  we have   A ,  B , B ,A ,  C ,   (K = 5    n= 3 )   generally   we  can wright (n exponant k ) words. […]

Chapter 1: Probability ( basic review of sets)

Definition : A set is a collection of mathematical or every kind of elements  e.g   A = {1,2,3,4,6,Δ,a} .1,2,3,4,6,Δ,a  are called elements of the set A and the size of elements is the absolute value of A = !A! (that is the absolute avalue of  total number of elements) .In this case the size of A is 7 […]